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Digital Market Exploration in the Northwest of the USA

Digital Market Exploration in the Northwest of the USA

In preparation for next February's business trip to the PNAA Advance Conference 2023, the state initiative Niedersachsen Aviation, together with the representation of the state of Niedersachsen in the USA as well as the Pacific Northwest Aerospace Alliance (PNAA) and the Washington State Department of Commerce, held a digital information event.


360-Grad Rundgang vom AutoGyro Cavalon

360-Grad Rundgang vom AutoGyro Cavalon

Here you can experience a virtual 360-degree tour of the AutoGyro Cavalon equipped with an autopilot and have the opportunity to view the engine, rotor and propeller system as well as the cockpit instruments inside the AutoGyro Cavalon in full 360-degree view.


Changes in the management of Deharde GmbH

Changes in the management of Deharde GmbH

Bei der Deharde GmbH gibt es Veränderungen in der Geschäftsführung: Seit dem 02.12.2022 ist Herr Dr. Kai Brüggemann alleiniger Geschäftsführer der Deharde GmbH.