Niedersachsen's airports guarantee a high level of international connectivity and thus ensure the attractiveness of the business location. In addition to the two commercial airports Hannover-Langenhagen (HAJ) and Braunschweig-Wolfsburg (BWE), numerous commercial airfields also offer a high level of air mobility. Furthermore, a wide range of service providers and manufacturers of airport equipment exist at the location.
With more than 10,000 employees, Hannover-Langenhagen Airport is one of the largest local employers. It is one of the few German commercial airports operating 24 hours a day and an important part of the North German air traffic concept. Hannover-Langenhagen Airport links Niedersachsen internationally. TUIfly and Lufthansa are examples of companies offering their services from here.
Another characteristic of Hannover-Langenhagen Airport is the Airport Business Park, a commercial area with more than 250 resident companies and an area of around 165 hectares. The variety of industries located there ranges from logistics and trade to research and development. The Airport Business Park is an attractive location for companies that operate in the aviation industry and rely on fast and valid logistics.
Besides the airport in Hanover and the infrastructure available there, Braunschweig-Wolfsburg Airport and the mobility cluster Forschungsflughafen Braunschweig with around 3,700 employees are also important employers in Niedersachsen. Mainly, the airport focuses on business travelers. The site is also home to various research institutions, government agencies, aviation-related companies, associations, flight schools and an aviation museum.
A distinctive feature of Braunschweig-Wolfsburg Airport is the "Remote Tower Control Center" project, which is funded by Niedersachsen's Ministry of Economics, Transport, Building and Digitalization. The RTC Center will go into operation for the first time in 2024, allowing air traffic control for Braunschweig-Wolfsburg Airport itself and for Emden Airfield to be provided directly from Braunschweig in the future. It will be the second Remote Tower Control Center in Germany. The implementation of the RTC Center is a result of Niedersachsen's digital strategy "Master Plan Digitalization" and is intended to ensure greater efficiency and sustainability.
In addition, numerous commercial airfields offer a broad range of air mobility services. In Niedersachsen, around 150 airfields are licensed for civil air traffic. These and others can be found on the website of Niedersachsen's State Authority for Road Construction and Transport: Overview of commercial airfields in Niedersachsen
Current information on the mentioned commercial airports, locations and projects above can be found on the following websites:
Hannover-Langenhagen Airport
Airport Business Park North / South Hannover-Langenhagen
Airport Braunschweig-Wolfsburg
Research Airport Braunschweig
Remote Tower Control Center